Friday, February 20, 2015

Home is Never Too Far

Hi Everyone,

While spending a year abroad is consistently rewarding, there are some things that happen, that no matter how great of a time you're having, all you really want to be is home.

As many of you know, my grandfather has been sick with Alzheimer's for quite a few years now. Alzheimer's is a wicked disease that shows no mercy. Watching someone suffer from Alzheimer's is upsetting, but it is devastating when it hits someone who means so much to you.

While my Pop-Pop had been sick for years, he took a turn for the worse while I was here in Ireland. I got the dreaded phone call from my parents letting me know he had passed and there's no words to describe the heartbreak. My family is incredibly close, so losing any member, especially a grandparent is soul crushing. It's even more difficult when you're thousands of miles away from your family when all you want to do is grieve and be with them. Thank God, I have an incredible support system near and far. I have my family who is constantly checking up on me and a very loving cousin/roommate and fantastic boyfriend who are there for me no matter what. Although losing a family member is difficult, knowing they are finally at peace is solace in a time of mourning.

My grandfather was so full of life and always a barrel of laughs. You could guarantee that he would always be at least an hour early for any commitment, would always save the row of seats at any performance, graduation or ceremony and would consistently visit on weekends with a box of Dunkin Donuts and a newspaper in tow. You could always count on him for a good time, a good laugh or a real tight hug. Being the first grandchild on my father's side of the family, I was spoiled and always treated as a princess. The love my grandfather showed me will always be deeply rooted in who I am as a person as well as hold a very special place in my heart. I love you, Pop-Pop and always will.

While coping with the loss of my grandfather is tough, Court and Eddie have been keeping me occupied. If I can't be home, at least I get to continue to experience such a wonderful city and continue to discover the culture of my Irish roots. Dublin continues to show me how hard it'll be for me to leave in just a few months. With trips to the American Sweet Shop in Temple Bar, watching rugby matches and having a few drinks in hipster bars with board games, writing on tables and sweet murals throughout, Dublin is an incredible place to be a 20 something abroad.

My two lovies 

View from the top floor of the B&B I work at

An American Sweet Shop in Temple Bar

Street art is one of my favorite parts of any city

6 Nations is HUGE in Ireland, GO IRELAND

Until next time my loves,
Paige xx

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