Sunday, April 26, 2015

Last Few Days in Dublin

Leaving Dublin is an incredibly hard thing to do, but it's even more difficult when the weather is absolutely perfect! It's hard to think of a place nicer or more beautiful than a sunny Ireland. As I said, we really were trying to make the most of our last few days by soaking up all we could. Whether it was spending the day in town, traveling or doing last minute touristy things, we wanted to do it all!



On Wednesday, Eddie and I decided to go out for dinner and drinks as a last hoorah. We decided to hit up our new favorite place called "Elephant & Castle." Eddie's sister, Ali told us they have the best wings ever and being the wing enthusiasts that we are, we had to give it a try. Well, we went twice in one week haha. It's in Temple Bar and is great! There is almost always a wait, but it's no problem because you can head off to one of the many pubs in the area while you wait.

We went to a couple of places and soaked up the sunshine over a pint. We even got to a place that is in James Joyce's Ulysses. It is a very old timey feel to it and is has gorgeous dark wood covered in pictures of Joyce. 

We had a fantastic evening and even had a last drink in the bar where we met, which was a nice surprise as Eddie took me there without my knowledge. I of course cried because nostalgia always hits me right in the heart.

We've spent as much time as we can outdoors soaking up the sunshine. Court and I headed to Kilmainham Gaol. I had been there with Shell when we first arrived, but I was interested in going again because I thought it was one of the coolest tourist things in Dublin. Unfortunately, the main wing was closed, but our tickets only cost 2 euro so it wasn't incredibly devastating haha. Our tour guide was a bit of a drip, but we got a nice lesson in Irish history.



Our last night in Ranelagh was spent with Netflix, wine, tears and laughter. Court and I reminisced and just rehashed life and what we've learned about ourselves and life over the last year. It was cheesy and cliche, but absolutely perfect.

As I said, there is nothing like Ireland or Dublin in the sunshine. It was sunny our last week and we could not have possibly asked for anything better! The only day it rained was the day we spent packing, which was actually a good thing because I wasn't tempted to spend the whole day outside!

We spent our last night in Ireland at Eddie's as he was kind enough to drive us to the airport the next morning. We had a few drinks with Eddie's family and a friend of his and said goodbye to Ireland the proper way- With Guinness and Jameson. It was great to spend just a little bit more time with his family as they are so wonderful.

At least my last memories of Dublin are sun soaked and smiley, which is exactly what I wanted and needed.

Sending all my love,
Paige xx

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