Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Very Irish Fourth / Arctic Monkeys

Greetings from good ol' Ireland Lads!

One of the only things Michelle and I were sad to be missing this year while in Ireland was the Fourth of July. It's one of those wonderful summer days spent at a beach, by a pool or on a boat accompanied with good friends, family and beer. Although we wouldn't be in the States, we were determined to celebrate and show these Irish folk how happy we are about the birth of our country.

Although it was rainy and we don't have a grill, that didn't stop us from buying a mini Heineken keg, playing drinking games and listening to American anthems. We had an Amurrica playlist ready to roll, some American attire and plenty of good times. Michelle, Eddie and I pregamed at our place while skyping with our friend Tim back in America. We ended up playing flip cup via video chat and let me just say it is just as fun as it sounds (and by that, I mean it is actually a riot.) We ended the night at Dicey's with some jager bombs and beer, just the way our forefathers intended us to celebrate.


Yes, Eddie stood on a table to take this

The Irishman reppin the Stars & Stripes/ M. Ali belt
nailin' it.
 We also got the chance to see the Arctic Monkeys at Marlay Park. I've been looking forward to this concert since before we even got to Dublin, so although I can't believe it's already over, it was SO much fun that I wish I could rewind and do it all again. Michelle and I had a jam/ pregame session at our apartment before grabbing a taxi out to Marlay Park, but not without bringing a few beers in my rain boots (which later gave me bruises on my calves #partygirlproblems.) 

Although it was supposed to rain all day, it ended up clearing up right before the concert. We met up with Eddie and a few of his friends. Although  there were a number of opening acts, when the Arctic Monkeys came on, the place erupted and we sprinted towards the stage. It was an incredible night and there was one point where I just stopped and took in everything that was around me and as corny as it sounds, I could not have been happier or more grateful than I was in that exact moment.

Check dem rain slickers though

Wellies for days

Eddie makin' friends 

Bird's Eye View

Although Michelle and I wanted to join the mass exodus of people heading into town to continue the party, we had a very (and by very, I mean we left for the airport at 3:45 am) early morning flight to Italy in just a few hours. SPOILER ALERT: We made our flight and even had time for a glass of Prosecco before boarding our plane ;). Our journey was filled with laughter, redbull and lots of water and was actually not half as bad as we anticipated, most likely because my best friend was right by my side.

It's been a really truly wonderful July.

Stay tuned for some snapshots and stories from our breathtaking adventure to Positano on the Amalfi Coast in Italy!

Love always,
Paige xx

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