Thursday, September 4, 2014


Greetings my loves,

Although we're creeping in September, the nice weather is still holding strong in Dublin! Apparently every year when the kids all go back to school, it's a beautiful week to end the summer. Well I couldn't be happier that it proved to be true.

Court is now also obsessed with Keywest

Trinity College exploring
This past week, I've had a number of days off and Courtney and I have been enjoying our days by having lovely lunches, laying in parks, having gelato and ATTENDING AMERICAN COLLEGE FOOTBALL MATCHES.

Yes, that's right, I said it. Courtney and I grabbed tickets for the Penn State v. University of Central Florida in the Croke Park Classic. Croke Park is a giant stadium here (the scene of the One Direction Gypsy debacle) used for concerts, sporting events and the like. It holds approximately 80,000 people so they're not messin around haha.

In the days leading up to the game, Penn State held pep rallies all over town. It was so exciting to stumble upon the band and cheerleaders pumping everyone up. Dublin was FILLED with Americans. It was so exciting to see so many people decked out in PSU gear and got us even more excited for the big match.

Penn State pep rally on Grafton Street
The entire Bed & Breakfast was filled with Americans! Most of them were PSU fans so I got to talk to a bunch of them and chat about the game and how excited everyone was. It was awesome.

We convinced Eddie and a number of his friends to join us for some good ol' American fun. We met up with them in a pub right outside Croke Park and then made our way with the thousands of fans to the game. Everyone was cheering in the streets and chanting; it was just like being at home.

The game itself was great! Penn State won in the final moments so it was a nailbiter right up until the end. Even the music the band was playing was making me nostalgic for college football games. The weather was great (as in no rain) and the day ended up being just as wonderful as we anticipated.


Bringin Uncle Cal to Dublin

Court and I grabbed some Eddie Rockets (the Irish version of Johnny Rockets) and then headed back out onto the town with Eddie and his mates. We ended the night at Dicey's (naturally) and you can bet your bottom dollar Court and I were still dressed in our game attire.

Other than that, Courtney is adjusting back into Irish life (aside from a case of laryngitis that is currently plaguing her.) We've explored town as well as the village of Ranelagh and she even has a regular park she visits to go and read in between job hunting. I am so excited she's here with me. Even when we're laying around doing nothing in the apartment, it's hilarious.

Tea Time
Until next time,
Paige xx

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